Saturday, November 8, 2014

Small Town Lies, Big City Truths

About Me

So you're probably reading this because you're thinking to yourself, "wow this girl is super rad and I totally want to know more about her!" Well here ya' go.

My name is Meghan (with an "h") and I grew up in a small town in California and no this does not mean that I totally talk like this and that I like totally wake up on the beach like everyday and like umm my is life is like totally awesome...NO! JUST NO! Instead I woke up to trees and a dog barking at deer in the backyard every morning. It means it took 40 minutes to get to school and an hour to get to the nearest Walmart. So what does this NorCal chick know about cities and cool things like photography, if she grew up in the boondocks of California?

I have always loved photography, ever since I was able to go big girl potty all by myself-I have been able to point and shoot. I studied Art all through High School and during my senior year I took a formal class on Photography. From there I have been able to work on many different projects, from being the head Photographer for an international trip with my University to filming senior projects. Physical talent is one thing I have in the bag. However Photojournalism is not just about taking a good picture it's about telling and seeking the truth.

My desire for truth comes deep within and from a history of lies. Growing up in the boondocks of California also meant growing up with Food Stamps in one pocket and MediCal in the other. It meant being surrounded by deep sadness, whether it was drug addiction, alcohol addiction or an addiction to pain, this is what I knew and this is how I thought all the world was. How can I sit and listen to a classmate ramble on about how "people just need to go get a job" and that "it's their own fault that they can't get work", when my father had been out of work for over a year. Let me tell you the struggle was real. Maybe it was here that I fully realized that there's such an ignorance to what it really means to grow up marginalized. This new found ignorance of society only blossomed as I grew older. Realizing how much society and individualizes are lied to,whether by family or media, only enhanced the element of truth in my life.

I could go on about different examples of lies and truth in my life but I think you get the idea. Now living in New York and being constantly surrounded by lies it's sometimes difficult to decipher the truth. However my complete and utter commitment to it has not changed and my passion is thriving. To this I not only give credit to my ignorance of my hometown but to my parents who installed these values in me.

Just remember, don't just do it for the Gram but tell a story.


  1. I love your unique perspective and how you incorporate both humor and seriousness. I can't wait to see more of your photographs.

  2. This is an amazing post, I'm looking forward to reading more of what you write!

  3. Excellent read. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Very thought provoking. Thank you for sharing. Too often pictures are used to create an unrealistic or even fake view of people or the world (especially now with Photoshop,filters, etc.). Stay true to your mission, Meghan! :)
